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Troubleshooting Leaking Vuse Pods: A Comprehensive Guide


Vuse, a prominent player in the pod vape industry, holds a significant market share in Australia through its subsidiary, Vuse Australia. Known for its sleek design and quality, it caters to both seasoned vapers and beginners. However, leakage issues can sometimes arise, causing inconvenience to users.

Signals of Vuse Pods Leaking:

Identifying leaking Vuse ePods can be indicated by:

  1. Sticky e-liquid on the pod or vape exterior.
  2. Gurgling or spitting sounds during vaping.
  3. A burnt taste while vaping.
  4. Issues with electrical connections.

Causes of Vuse Pods Leakage:

Understanding the reasons behind Vuse leaking, specifically the Vuse ePod 2, sheds light on solutions:

  1. Incorrect Vaping Techniques: Excessive vaping strength can draw out more e-liquid than can be vaporized, leading to leaks.

  2. Improper Refilling and Insertion: Overfilling the ePod beyond the recommended level or not sealing it properly can cause leakage.

  3. Improper Storage: Factors like high altitude, high pressure, high temperature, and a damp environment can contribute to leaks.

  4. Blockage Issues: Obstructions in the air inlet can imbalance pressure, forcing e-liquid to escape through unintended routes.

  5. Low Battery: Insufficient power to vaporize e-liquid due to low battery levels can cause leakage.

  6. Manufacturing Standards Inconsistency: Rarely, inconsistent manufacturing standards may cause pod defects leading to leakage.

Steps to Fix Leaking Vuse Pods:

To resolve leaking issues, gather these tools and supplies:

  • Pliers to dismantle the pod from the device.
  • Replacement pod to address the leakage problem permanently.
  • Cotton swabs to clean narrow areas.
  • Paper towels and gloves for cleaning and safety. Remember to wash hands thoroughly after handling e-liquid, given its non-food-grade nature.


Leakage in Vuse pods can disrupt the vaping experience, but understanding the causes and solutions can mitigate these issues. Proper handling, maintenance, and addressing potential issues can ensure a smoother vaping journey with Vuse ePods. If problems persist, reaching out to customer service for assistance is recommended.

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: vuse-leaking