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League of Legends Jinx Strengths and Weaknesses

League of Legends Jinx is one of the stronger late game ADC in League of Legends, her safe range with Switcheroo (Q)  Fishbones rockets and utility allows her to deal damage without putting her so much in risk. Also, the aspd steroid on Get Excited! passive paired with Kraken Slayer makes her a tank melter.


The CC extension on her kit with her W and E is very strong and can allow her Support’s play to be really successful. This is especially true if she is paired with some hard CC Support.

She can quite easily affect team fights from a long-range with her Ultimate R, especially if it involves taking down an enemy champion who has managed to survive a fight with a sliver of health.

Her Passive can turn the tide of a fight when she manages to activate it. The increased stats help her kite as well as do a lot more damage in a very short duration.


Has no form of mobility and can easily be all-in’d once her E is down. Any kill against her sets her back by miles as she is a heavy scaling ADC, and needs to farm safely.

Atrocious early game as she does no damage during that stage and is very vulnerable to all-ins. She can easily be zoned out of CS, which is not a good thing for her as she needs her core items to be useful.

Her effectiveness will decrease if she runs out of mana in the lane. This is due to how her Q rockets work. It will take away her long-range CS ability, which will allow the enemy to zone her off easily


Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage (like an engage Support).

Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.

After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.

Mid Game

Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally.

Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them.

Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.

Late Game

It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you.

Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game.

Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy.

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: GameYang