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Natural Yachts BV, ESMARIN LTD., Frauscher Bootswerft GmbH & Co KG, Cockwells and Navalt. – Prominent Market Participants in Electric Boat Market

Electric boats are marine vessels that utilize electric propulsion systems for their operation. These boats rely on battery power to drive the rotor and achieve optimal speed. The key components of an electric boat include the electric charger, battery bank, controller, and electric motor. One of the major advantages of electric boats is their reliance on clean energy, resulting in zero emissions. The global electric boat market is witnessing substantial growth due to the increasing popularity of seaborne activities and the thriving marine tourism industry.
The tourism industry is growing across the world due to the rising number of high-net-worth individuals. These individuals prefer spending their free time on luxury yachts and power cruisers to release the stress of everyday life. Also, people travel on boats to visit historical places and scenic natural destinations. Thus, due to the growing ocean tourism, the demand for electric yachts and cruises has increased in various countries.

Report: https://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/electric-boat-market