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Match analysis pogon szczecin vs linfield fc

Pogoń Szczecin Linfield ao vivo | Europa Conference League | 3 agosto 2023


Key: Pogon Szczecin won the last 8 home matches.

Judging the number of goals

Statistics show the match at the Stadion Miejski stadium im. Floriana Krygiera is likely to have at least 3 goals or more.

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Specifically, Pogon Szczecin's last 7/8 matches at home, Linfield FC's last 4/5 matches, Pogon Szczecin's last 7/10 matches had 3 or more goals.

Analysis of performance Pogon Szczecin vs Linfield FC

Pogon Szczecin won the last 8/10 matches, won the last 4/5 matches. At home, coach Jens Gustafsson's army won the last 8/10 matches, won the last 5/5 matches.

Linfield FC won the last 5/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches. Away from home, coach David Healy's team won the last 5/10 matches, not winning the last 3/5 matches.

Analysis of Asian handicap Pogon Szczecin vs Linfield FC

Pogon Szczecin won the last 5/10 matches according to the recent Asian rafters, of which won the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Jens Gustafsson's army won the last 5/10 matches, won the last 3/5 matches.

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Linfield FC won 6/10 recent Asian matches, of which won the last 3/5 matches. Away from coach David Healy's team won the last 6/10 matches, won the last 4/5 matches.

Analysis of the performance of Pogon Szczecin vs Linfield FC

According to the over and under, Pogon Szczecin finished the last 7/10 matches, the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Jens Gustafsson's army finished in the last 7/10 matches, and finished in the last 5/5 matches.

According to the underdog, Linfield FC has lost in the last 6/10 matches, in the last 3/5 matches. Away from home, coach David Healy's team has fainted in the last 6/10 matches, lost in the last 3/5 matches.

- Select: Pogon Szczecin (-1 1/4).

- Predicting fortune and fainting: Tai.

- Predict the score: 3-1.

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: phocohanoi7