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What is Moissanite Diamond?

Moissanite, often referred to as a "forever brilliant" gem, is a unique and captivating alternative to traditional diamonds. This article delves into the fascinating world of Moissanite, exploring its origin, characteristics, and the reasons behind its growing popularity in the world of fine jewelry.

What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is a gemstone composed of silicon carbide, a naturally occurring compound discovered by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dr. Henri Moissan in 1893. Originally found in a meteorite crater, this rare mineral was later successfully synthesized in laboratories to create gem-quality stones.

Characteristics of Moissanite:

  1. Brilliance and Fire:

    • Moissanite exhibits a brilliance and fire that rivals or even surpasses that of traditional diamonds.
    • Its high refractive index results in an impressive play of light, creating a dazzling sparkle.
  2. Hardness and Durability:

    • Moissanite ranks 9.25 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it one of the hardest known substances, second only to diamonds.
    • This exceptional hardness ensures durability and resistance to scratches, making it suitable for everyday wear.
  3. Affordability:

    • One of the key advantages of Moissanite is its affordability compared to traditional diamonds.
    • It allows individuals to choose larger and more intricate designs without compromising on quality.
  4. Ethical and Sustainable:

    • Moissanite is created in controlled laboratory environments, minimizing environmental impact and eliminating concerns related to conflict diamonds.
    • Its ethical and sustainable sourcing appeals to consumers seeking socially responsible choices.

Why Choose Moissanite?

  1. Cost-Effective Brilliance:

    • Moissanite offers a brilliant sparkle at a fraction of the cost of traditional diamonds, making it an attractive option for those on a budget.
  2. Ethical and Responsible Choice:

    • Lab-created Moissanite eliminates the ethical concerns associated with traditional diamond mining.
    • Consumers can make a socially responsible choice without compromising on beauty.
  3. Unique and Unmistakable:

    • Moissanite's unique optical properties and exceptional brilliance set it apart, creating a distinctive and unmistakable look.
    • It offers a chance to own a rare gemstone with a character of its own.
  4. Versatility in Jewelry Design:

    • Moissanite's durability and availability in various shapes and sizes allow for intricate and diverse jewelry designs.
    • It offers versatility in crafting personalized and unique pieces.


Moissanite, with its breathtaking brilliance, ethical appeal, and affordability, has carved a niche in the world of fine jewelry. As consumers seek alternatives that align with their values and desire for beauty, Moissanite emerges as a compelling choice – a gem that not only sparkles with brilliance but also reflects a commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.

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: moissaniteindia
: 9899726555
: 14-Guru Nanak Market, R-Bock, G.K-1 New Delhi – 110048 India